About Us

During my career over the last two decades, the marketing arena has fundamentally changed. The days of principally relying on marketing with hard copy collaterals is a thing of the past. Today, in addition to traditional marketing methods, digital marketing is a necessity, and the avenues of digital marketing are constantly growing.    


What hasn’t changed is the size of most marketing departments.  Let’s face it.  We get a bad rap as marketers.  Regardless of the business, when times get tough, marketing budgets are the first to go.  And the result?  Reduction in staff.  Doing more with less.  Sound familiar?


Doing more with less doesn’t work.  I’ve watched companies struggle to maintain their brand identity and message continuity.  I’ve witnessed companies routinely putting out fires in place of planning strategies.  All because the bandwidth within the marketing department isn’t there. 


So what is the solution?  Cooperative Marketing Management. Marketing support from outside of your organization that is customized to meet your specific requirements.  Do you need to create a white paper? Need to plan an email campaign?  Is it hard to find the time to develop your marketing communications strategy?   No matter what you need, Orange Crate Concepts is your one stop shop!


Why "Cooperative"?  Because I believe that working in cooperation with you as your partner is the only way to fully understand your vision.  And through that understanding, we can work together to achieve your goals.


I look forward to partnering with you to support your vision!


Lynn McCall

President, Orange Crate Concepts